May 30 2024

The last of my AI experiments: The Facility. Variations on my own images made with Stable Diffusion and Photoshop. You can see all the rest here.

May 24 2024

New poem: The Monkeys Part 2

May 20 2024

I was looking through some old work and I found some comic jams between me and my friend caricaturist John Sprague that were never posted. You can see them here.

May 2 2024

New poem: The Monkeys

March 16 2024

New AI/Photoshop variations: Cooking With Shamans

March 9 2024

New digital collages. You can see them here.

March 2 2024

New artwork is coming soon. In the meantime, I've been making variations on my own images with Stable Diffusion and Photoshop. I've been having fun using the randomness of AI to twist my images into new configurations. You can see the first few series here.

March 1 2024

Uploaded higher-quality upgrades of my sound collages and animated videos.

May 28 2023

New series: Dictionnaire Infernal or Covid Cuties and Pandemic Pals - a series of sketchbook drawings done during lockdown.

May 28 2023

I am hosting a site for my friend, photographer Terri Sharp. It is entitled True Stories. The centerpiece of the site is her book Objectified which is about the sexual and physical abuse she suffered as a child and the long term impact it has had on her life. While not particularly graphic, it is still powerful in it's simplicity and symbolism. You can see it here.

April 21 2021

My work is featured in the latest issue of the incredible online alternative artzine La Gazette de Nicole. You can see every other issue here. Highly recommended!

Feb 8 2018

Interview with me by David Herrl for the arts web-zine Subtle-Tea.

Feb 10 2015
Some reviews of We'll See Who Seduces Whom - my collaboration with author Tom Bradley. Available from Unlikely Books. Also available from Amazon.

Book Review: We'll See Who Seduces Whom: a graphic ekphrastic in verse by Tom Bradley and David Aronson

Writer/poet and scholar Tom Bradley and visual artist, David Aronson are prolific artists, both known for their own prodigious bodies of work, but perhaps, just as well, for their groundbreaking collaborations with other artists. Tom Bradley, author of more than 20 books, recently collaborated with poet Marc Vincenz to produce the forthcoming book This Wasted Land And Its Chymical Illuminations. One of David Aronson's notable collaborations is The Alchemical Wedding Tarot with Adam McLean, the well known authority on alchemical texts and symbolism, author and publisher of over 50 books on alchemical and Hermetic ideas. Aronson has collaborated with Bradley before with illustrations for Bradley's novel, Elmer Crowley. It's like these guys were made for each other and share a brain. Their collaboration in this project reminds me of Surrealist artists, Yves Tanguy and Andre Breton, creating a synergistic marriage of text and images by playing the game "Exquisite Corpse" wherein each artist essentially riffs off of what the other has previously done. In this way it becomes ekphrastic art.

In this book the ekphrasis is Tom Bradley's poetic response to David Aronson's visual art. As stated on the cover, David Aronson supplies the "visuals" and Bradley the "verbals." With each one a master of his art and craft, at the height of his creative powers, they could be the rock-solid rhythm section anchoring a band. One on drums, the other on bass. It's like watching a red hot guitar player "cuttin' heads" in a contest with the Devil. Only, which one is the Devil?

Bradley's verse is presented in 8 cantos, or sections, supplemented with an appendix and intertwined with Aronson's brilliant and seductive, but deeply disturbing illustrations. Both the text and visual art are multi-layered, heavily symbolic, metaphorical and allegorical. On more than one occasion I was sent scurrying for a dictionary and diving into research on classical, esoteric, and occult references and symbols. Let's be honest. I don't really even know what the Hell these guys are trying to say half the time. But what does that really matter in the end? I'm a slow study but I always seem to get there eventually. I never knew where John Coltrane was going with his stratospheric solos either, but he always led me back to the melody. This book requires a very attentive read, and covers ground you'll need to tread upon more than once to really connect with it. Reading this book is like a van just pulled up beside you as you're walking down the sidewalk minding your own business. The window slides down, there's a unicorn at the wheel who says: "No time to explain. Just get in!" You get in the van, and before you know it, you're careening through the streets of Never-Never Land with no idea where you're going, or where you'll end up. But hang on to your hat because it's one hellava ride.

We'll See Who Seduces Whom actually gives me the creeps on many levels and is evocative of Wes Craven's 1991 horror classic "People Under The Stairs." This book could be described as shocking, yet seductive; irreverent, even blasphemous. Some might call it erotic, some would even say it's pornographic. All of this may be true. In any case, it's a skillfully crafted, dark and disturbing fascination with abomination from which I could not look away.

Aronson is a brilliant technician and a multi-faceted visionary whose visual art is a mash-up of classical fine art, illustration and lowbrow proto-punk, underground comics art. His lineage can be traced from Robert Crumb to Lucian Freud, Francis Bacon, David Levine and Salvador Dali all the way back to Albrecht Durer and Hieronymus Bosch. Aronson's other interests and qualifications are widely varied and his resume includes experience as a teacher, certified hypnotherapist, holistic healer, professional astrologer, and published poet. His art explores some of the darker regions of mythology, psychology and the subconscious. His website features this salient and revelatory quote from Carl Jung, which sheds some light on his philosophy and approach to making art: "One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. The latter procedure, however, is disagreeable, and therefore, not popular."

Bradley's writing is heavily steeped in classical roots, with metaphysical and occult underpinnings but owes as much to Charles Bukowski, James Tate, Charles Simic, and the Beat writers, as it does to Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot and Dante Alighieri. Bradley demonstrates a stunning, virtuosic command of the English language and draws from an encyclopedic knowledge of history, religion, metaphysics and the occult. His free-wheeling prose passages combine with Aronson's impeccably rendered images to create a fever-dream phantasmagoria that is every bit as startling and hallucinatory as William Burroughs's Naked Lunch. However, it should be noted that the book is also laced with off beat humor and a quirky sense of playfulness throughout. Denis Dutton, Arts & Letters Daily wrote: "Tom Bradley is one of the most exasperating, offensive, pleasurable, and brilliant writers I know. I recommend his work to anyone with spiritual fortitude and a taste for something so strange that it might well be genius." I love that quote because it captures some of my own emotional and intellectual responses to this work. Bradley's writing is meteoric, acrobatic, and often vexing and there are times when I'm not quite sure if he's winking and putting us all on. But, for me, that's part of the attraction.

It's also important to acknowledge the work of publisher Jonathan Penton in bringing these two artists together to produce a unique and very high quality contribution to contemporary book art. The end result is a rich and vibrant, genre-busting collaboration and transgressive art form that challenges preconceived notions about Art and Literature. While not a light and breezy read, and certainly not for the impatient, prudish, or faint of heart; if you're willing to exert the effort and surrender to the flow, you'll fire up enough synapses to stave off Alzheimer's and find it's well worth the investigation and experience.

Michael Gillan Maxwell
MadHat Drive-By Book Reviews

"A drowning tide of ebullient doom."
Phil Rockstroh, poet and lyricist

"A complex and multi-layered dance between these two offbeat geniuses, We'll See Who Seduces Whom takes off in a high octane rampage, thunders across the defiled plains of Kansas, corners around the pope, takes multiple shots at our flabulous and star-struck culture, and brings you back home in time for a three-martini lunch, looking brain-raped and fuddled, woefully holding the book up and shaking it to see if anything more is to be had, secreted within its unholy pages.
"'I invite you to unravel yourself,' says Bradley at one point, then proceeds to show the reader just how to accomplish that unraveling, with a flaying wit and a diabolical ability to pull half spun threads of story together and weave them into a sparse and breathtaking structure, balanced right on the precipice of reason. And then, in a change that occurs at the speed of light, lines come together into nice neat verses and hum along like down-scribed scat, smooth and charming and doing just what verses of poetry are supposed to do."
Deb Hoag, editor of Women Writing the Weird

"Tom Bradley's unprepuced poetry entering David Aronson's debauched images make We'll See Who Seduces Whom a demented and unholy intercourse. For the lover of extreme ekphrastics, this is the Inferno you have been waiting for. Canto after canto churns with the wordplay of the damned, with sin and sacrilege and trespass. Join these seductive souls in their satanic search for meaning when all is lost and for God when you are in hell."
Larissa Shmailo, author of Exorcism

"A lush garden of terror teeming with vividly nightmarish imagery. Tears through sexual stereotypes with a meat hook. Hypnotic, striking writing and artwork."
Rania Zada, author of Egyptian Exotica: A Memoir of Dancing Naked

Dec 30 2012

My collaborative book with Tom Bradley, 'We'll See Who Seduces Whom,' is being picked up by a new publisher, Unlikely Books and will be released in September 2013

March 7 2010

Some photos from the opening of my show at Piranha Betty's art collective can be seen here.

Sep 24

My work is featured prominently in a new anthology from Cypi Press entitled "Dark Stories By Dark Artists" along with such artists as Tara McPherson, Charlie Immer, Heiko Mueller, Scott Radke, KateMacDowell, Kris Kuksi and many others. This is a high-quality art book, people! You can purchase it from Amazon. Get it now while they still have copies! If it's out of stock, you can also order it from Amazon UK.

August 23

New drawing: BFFs - for the Facebook group Awkward Faces


You are officially invited to Trick 'O' Treat: A Halloween Art Exhibit at Cafe Mocha gallery space, 236 S. 10th St., Philadelphia, PA. Friday, Oct. 22, 6:00 pm. Come join us for freaky, creepy art, drinks and candy. Hope to see you there.

Aug 8

Bomb Baby by Tom Bradley featuring my cover art is now available through Amazon

January 12

Cover illustration for The Vicious Circulation of Dr, Catastrope by Kane X. Faucher to be published by Crossing Chaos Enigmatic Ink.

November 4

My image The Book is now in print as the cover of the just-released Put It Down in A Book by Tom Bradley, published by The Drill Press, available through Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

February 14

A snaphot from the opening of my solo show at the Square Peg Artery & Salvage gallery in Philly. You can see more pix at their MySpace page.

January 6

If you live in the Philadelphia area (or even if you don't) you are invited to the opening of my one-man show at the Square Peg Artery & Salvage gallery. The gallery is located at 108 S. 20th St. (near Rittenhouse Square) in Philly. The opening is on Saturday, February 7, 2009 from 6:00 to 9:00 pm. There will be food and wine and lots and lots of art to look at. Feel free to bring as many people with you as you like. Thanks.

From Philly Fun Guide: The Dr. Hoffman's Magic Bicycle show is a selection of the visionary art of David Aronson, including drawings, paintings, prints, digital art, and assemblages.  The work is strange, irreverent, risque, quirky, dark, whimsical, disturbing and surreal.  David's colorful, intense, and thought-provoking art will be filling the Square Peg Artery & Salvage Gallery in February 2009, promising a brain-warping visual feast.  Opening 6-9 pm, Saturday, Feb. 7.

March 27

Finally got a translation of the article on my work from the Italian magazine Ritual.

March 7

I've got three pieces in the Everything But The Kitschen Sync group show at La Luz de Jesus Gallery in LA.

January 28

For those of you who read Italian, here's the two-page article on my work from the Italian goth mag Ritual. If anyone out there is willing and able to translate this into English, Please e-mail me. I will be eternally grateful and will reward you with a signed framed print of your choice.

December 7

Opening of my one-man show at Germ Books & Gallery in Philadelphia.

May 9

Three of my drawings have been published in Hopital Brut 7 from Le Dernier Cri, the French extreme art brut collective.

April 13

The Alchemical Wedding Tarot is now available as a limited edition collector's deck from Adam McLean, the well known authority on alchemical texts and symbolism, author and publisher of over 50 books on alchemical and Hermetic ideas. To purchase the deck, please go to